Regional Planning Framework Discussion Paper and draft Structure Plan Guidelines

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Consultation is closed
A summary report of the submissions received on the Regional Planning Framework Discussion Paper has been released. See below for report and published submissions.


The Minister for Planning consulted on the Regional Planning Framework Discussion Paper (Discussion Paper) and the draft Structure Plan Guidelines for three months between November 2022 and February 2023.

The release of the Discussion Paper commenced the review of the regional planning framework.

The regional planning framework refers to the legislative, regulatory or administrative arrangements that support the three regional land use strategies (RLUSs).

The Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (LUPA Act) provides for the making and, to a limited extent, the review of the RLUSs. The Government intends to deliver reforms to the regional planning framework in two stages. The Discussion Paper sought feedback on options for the Stage 1 improvements to the regional planning framework, including how it can better provide for the scope and purpose of the RLUSs and processes around their assessment, review and amendment.

These improvements to the regional planning framework will support the comprehensive review of the RLUSs that will follow the making of the Tasmanian Planning Policies later in 2023.

The ongoing governance arrangements and data requirements for RLUSs will be considered in Stage 2 of the Regional Planning Framework review, considering the ongoing resourcing needs and the outcomes of other projects like the Future of Local Government Review.

The Discussion Paper also introduced the draft Structure Plan Guidelines (SPGs) for comment.  Structure plans are already widely used as local strategic planning documents in Tasmania. They provide an important strategic link between the RLUS and the Local Provisions Schedules in the Tasmanian Planning Scheme. They should guide the development or redevelopment of settlements by integrating and coordinating future land uses, development, and infrastructure provision in a sustainable and orderly manner.

The draft SPGs aim to establish agreed processes, content and inputs for the preparation of structure plans.


The scoping consultation period is now closed. There will be more opportunities to get involved. See below for what happens next.

Key Documents

Supporting information

Submissions received

What happens next?

Regional Framework Timeline

Personal information

Submissions are treated as public information and are published on our website unless confidentiality is specifically requested. No personal information other than an individual’s name or the organisation making a submission will be presented to Parliament or published.

For further information, please contact the State Planning Office by emailing or read the Tasmanian Government Public Submissions Policy.