Issuing of Planning Directive No. 10 – Exemption for Display Homes

The Minister for Planning, on recommendation from the Tasmanian Planning Commission, has made Planning Directive No. 10 to introduce an exemption for display homes. The exemption enables an existing dwelling to be used as a display home for up to 3 years without requiring a planning permit. The planning directive replaces Interim Planning Directive No. 7 – Exemption for Display Homes and becomes effective on 20 December 2023 . It applies to all remaining interim planning schemes and the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997.

Visit the Tasmanian Planning Commission website for details about the assessment and recommendation on Planning Directive No. 10.

Planning directives may be issued by the Minister after considering a recommendation from the Commission. Planning directives only apply to planning schemes that came in effect before the Tasmanian Planning Scheme.

The Tasmanian Planning Scheme only comes into effect as each council’s Local Provisions Schedule is approved, replacing the current interim planning scheme. There are still several councils with interim planning schemes or older planning schemes in place, to which this planning directive will apply.

The Minister has also made a determination under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 that Planning Directive No. 10 should also be reflected in the Tasmanian Planning Scheme through the State Planning Provisions (SPPs). This will be implemented through an amendment to the SPPs during 2024.

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